Fools, knaves and politicians ….. the world is full of them. Look around and you will see that it is all too true.
Fools are everywhere. Stumbling around, not sure why they are here. Gullible. No, make that delusional. Believing in whatever the hot topic of the day might be. Not aware of where they are relative to the rest of the world. Only able to react in a most superficial way to what is happening around them. Worst of all, they don’t even know that they are fools.
Not to be left out, knaves are plentiful and ready to take advantage of the world’s fools. Not willing to put in the hard work themselves, the work needed to succeed. Creating fear and distrust to achieve their ends. Hiding from accountability for the choices they make. The rules that govern the rest of us are ignored by them.
Politicians? Whoops. Cut and paste the previous two paragraphs. That covers it.
Fools, knaves and politicians ….. the world is full of them.