Okay. You step up to the mirror. Your smile gives you that amused but sagacious look. You sweep your hand across your brow, adjusting your hair just so. You take your shirt off, leaving only your tee shirt. You flex your chest and throw your shoulders back.
Stepping back from the mirror, you nod. You acknowledge that you are an asshole. Truly, an asshole.
Huh? How could you reach such a devastating conclusion? You made all the right moves. How could you be an “asshole?”
Sure, you made all the right moves. Only one problem. That little pose before the mirror was the height of delusion. You forgot one thing: you are old.
Really old. Right moves no longer work. In fact, nothing works. You cannot reverse the inevitable changes wrought by Father Time. Do not let yourself fall into the trap of believing such an obviously flawed self-image.
But then, what is the best way to deal with the harsh reality of your advanced years? It is okay to indulge in occasional fantasy; but at some point, you will have to accept reality, Don’t take your ridiculous charade too seriously. Find a way to laugh as you walk away from the mirror.
See my essays “Old & Ugly” and “Birthdays.”