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Our passion at Shout Listen Discuss is to engage in discussion and create conversation.

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Goodbye Joe

We loved you, Joe.But now it’s time to go.We had all hoped for more.But, sadly, there is the door. Goodbye, Joe.

Pakistan II

For decades Pakistan’s military has dictated the political direction of the country.  In August, 2024, they jailed former Prime Minister, Imran Khan, on a number of charges, including corruption and national security violations. The military did not stop there.  They also jailed numerous candidates aligned with Khan’s party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party, or PTI. Khan called the charges “politically motivated.” …

SLD Spokesperson

What are we going to use as a “mouthpiece” for SLD?  It would be a mistake to use a “Brett Lunger.”  As a spokesperson he is too limited and too easily targeted for disagreement. Instead, I propose that we use “Question Man.”  This image ought to be somewhat comical but not identified with any one demographic.  Maybe similar to the…


Do you have a friend who is totally committed to supporting extreme right-wing causes?  I hope so.  It is important that we have friends committed to both left and right narratives. Great.  You now have an opportunity to gently challenge that person to examine how he might be forming his opinions.  This is an important challenge for all of us. …

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Our discussion topics are important, trending, and worthy of further thought from members across the world. 

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
— Martin Luther King Jr.

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