Soggy Cereal

Nobody likes Soggy Cereal, right?  Of course not.  But wait.  There is one instance where Soggy Cereal might not be all that bad.  How could that be?

Consider this.  It is breakfast time.  You are hungry and eager to start your day.  You sit down and pour milk on your cereal.  Then, just as you finished pouring, you realize that you had forgotten to say a prayer of thanks.  What do you do?

You have two choices.  You can gobble your cereal before it gets soggy.  Or you can pause, say your prayer of thanks, and then eat your cereal.  Think about which choice you would make.

You might say, “God can wait.  Once my cereal gets soggy, it tastes awful.”  Or you might push your bowl aside and thank God for his bounty.

Choose one way and your personal satisfaction has directed your choice.  That is what is most important to you.  The world revolves around you.  You are making your choices solely for your own gratification.  

Choose the other way and you acknowledge, and are thankful for, God’s blessings.  It is not all about you.  You are subordinating yourself to God.

Which would you choose?  Does your attitude reflect itself in all the other choices you make throughout your day?

So, maybe Soggy Cereal might not be so bad after all.

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