Whoa……just looked in the mirror. Shock! Who is that “old fart” staring back at me? That really ugly old guy? Groan! It is me. Can’t be true. But it is. Old and ugly, that’s me.
Being old and ugly is not the best way to start your day. Thankfully, something happened today that gave me a reprieve. What miracle was it that allowed me to deal with being old and ugly?
Truth be known, it was not a miracle. It was not a single earth-shaking event, just a series of amusing things that made me laugh. The smile that followed pushed old and ugly well into the background. It is amazing what a smile can do, even a small smile.
No, old and ugly have not been banished forever. Handsome? No, not even close. The chicks are not going to line up for my inspection and selection. That stopped a long time ago. (Probably never happened, but I can dream). Hate to admit it but clinging to some outdated self-image is a fool’s choice.
So, smile. Go ahead, try it. Holy moly …. not so ugly. Still old but less ugly. I’ll take it.
Oh, and by the way, there is another benefit to be had. That occasional smile will project positive vibes to those around you. Who knows? Your smile might just lift someone who is struggling with sorrow or self-doubt. That would be a good thing.